2016 World Conference Resolutions

Here’s the latest list of conference resolutions for your consideration.  We will try to have at least one delegation meeting concerning the Tithing resolution in the next several weeks. More to follow.  Since there is a link on the church website, as shown below, I won’t send you any additional resolutions.



From: Communications
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:55 PM
To: Communications
Subject: 2016 World Conference Resolutions — Résolutions pour la Conférence Mondiale de 2016 — Resoluciones de la Conferencia Mundial 2016

To worldwide ministries staff:

Au personnel des ministères mondiaux :

A todo el personal mundial de ministerios:


2016 World Conference Resolutions


The attached resolutions have been submitted to the World Conference after approval by mission center conferences, World Church quorums, or World Church teams that support the World Conference. These resolutions will be considered according to parliamentary procedures as defined in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, 11th Edition and the standing rules of the 2016 World Conference.


Please share this information with delegates and members in your area. These resolutions can also be found online at www.CofChrist.org/2016-world-conference.

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