Daily Bread August 01

God Is There
Sharon Hines of Greenville, CA, USA

More fully embody your oneness and equality in Jesus Christ. Oneness and equality in Christ are realized through the waters of baptism, confirmed by the Holy Spirit, and sustained through the sacrament of Communion. Embrace the full meaning of these sacraments and be spiritually joined in Christ as never before. -Doctrine and Covenants 165:3a, e

In a recent Daily Bread post, author Eva Burns-Bachman related how, as a pianist, she tries to select music that adds to the worship experience. The article struck a chord in me (no pun intended) because I do the same when preparing media ministry. I, too, sometimes wonder whether my efforts are noticed and whether it matters. One Sunday, God left no doubt in my mind that it does matter.

The theme for the service was “Peace Be with You.” Viola Suddaby had done a wonderful job planning the service and communicating her needs to me. I easily found images to project for most of the service, but I had a bit of a challenge when it came to Disciples’ Generous Response.

I wanted something to reflect community. I searched that word on a free image website, hoping to find a multi-cultural group of children playing. But nothing like that was available. I did, however, spot a sweet image of four sparrows on a branch together. It was the perfect size for the top of the offertory slides with room for some brief text below.

I had previewed the slides for Viola that morning, so she knew the sparrow image was there. However, I had not reviewed the slides with our pianist, Barb Lewis. As Viola stood to deliver her offertory message, I projected the sparrow slides, and then it was time for the offering to be received.

The music began. “God of the sparrow, God of the whale…” (CCS 138). Oh, my. What a God-incidence!

After the service, while Barb and I were exclaiming over the Spirit’s involvement in our preparation, Viola rushed back to see if we had planned that. No, not us.

God is there in our every decision as we, each in our various roles, prepare to bring God’s peace into the lives of those who will worship. If what we do is important enough for the Spirit to get involved, it matters.

Prayer Phrase

“In God’s hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of every human being” (Job 12:10).

Spiritual Practice

All That Lives

Sit quietly and sense God’s presence flowing through the trees and all creation. Offer a prayer of gratitude for your connection to all that lives. Ask for grace to discern and carry out one small act of justice or healing that creates greater wholeness for the plants, animals, trees, waters, air, and land that are part of the community of creation.

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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