Daily Bread Jan. 3

Communion: Look at Yourself in Christ
By John G. VanDerWalker II of Hayden, ID, USA

All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. —John 1:3–5 NRSV

Communion is a celebration of the Lord’s coming that we observe monthly. During Advent, John the Baptizer expounds the call to repent and prepare the way of the Lord.

While I was in seminary, the ministry of a colleague led me to understand myself differently. She called me to examine myself. She prepared a meal of bread and wine for us as a class project and led us through a wonderful reflection of how the bread and wine had come to us in the form we held in our hands.

As I rested the paper cup of dark grape juice on my thigh, I held it still and yet noticed the surface of the juice was pulsing at an even rate. It was pulsing at the same rate as my heart. Through the gift of the Spirit I could see myself in the life of Christ as I watched my heartbeat in the symbol of Christ’s blood. When it came time to drink the wine, I was reluctant because I just wanted to look at myself in Christ.

Today God calls us to remember Jesus in the meal of the Lord’s Supper. In that memory we find a host of characters like John the Baptizer and Paul the Apostle—or companions who have walked with us on the path of the disciple. As we repent, we look at ourselves in the life of Christ.

Prayer for Peace

Thank you, God, for the gift of the life of Christ. Help us see the possibilities of his life in ours. Help us share peace as he shared peace.

Spiritual Practice: The Sacraments

Spend a few moments remembering your experiences with the sacraments. Recall the details of the words, touch, prayers, rituals, and symbols involved. How have these experiences brought healing and blessing to you and others? Offer a prayer of gratitude for the reconciling power of sacraments in Community of Christ and the worldwide Christian family.

Peace Covenant

Today, God, I will be aware of Christ in me.

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