Daily Bread June 25

Caught in the Web
By Ed Van Meter of Las Vegas, NV, USA

You are called to create pathways in the world for peace in Christ to be relationally and culturally incarnate. The hope of Zion is realized when the vision of Christ is embodied in communities of generosity, justice, and peacefulness. —Doctrine and Covenants 163:3a

I have always admired the design of the spider web—intrinsically created with a specific purpose in mind. The spider web, intelligently designed, sustains life for the spider. It has just enough tension to capture food and water. However, it is vulnerable under too much pressure. It cannot logically have any other purpose.

Recently I heard someone jokingly pose the argument that one could use a cell phone as a hammer. In doing so, they argued, one could also call it a hammer. However, the creator of the cell phone designed it with specific applications in mind. Despite calling it a hammer and using it as a hammer, it is still a cell phone. Using it for other than its designed and intended purpose does not allow it to serve its full potential.

For what purpose were we designed? Do our choices and behaviors blind us from the purpose God calls us to serve? Has a sticky web of distractions captured us, preventing us from living our calling?

Prayer for Peace

Creator God, help us discover how far we can stretch our discipleship—doing the most good, but not reaching so far we burn out. Help us discover what matters most, so the bugs will not distract us. May we always focus on peace.

Spiritual Practice: Making Responsible Choices

Prayerfully seek God’s guidance in your choices. The practice of discernment invites us to orient our lives toward God and God’s vision for us and creation. Begin by reviewing the responsibilities and opportunities in the day before you. Take these choices into prayer, asking God for wisdom and insight about what matters most.

Peace Covenant

Today, God, when I consider a task, I will pray for just enough tension to support my efforts.

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