A Question to Ask as Disciples Mature
By Eric Scott of Independence, MO, USA
Listen, O people of the Restoration—you who would become a prophetic people, embodying in your life together the ministries of the Temple. Listen to the Voice that speaks from beyond the farthest hills, from the infinite heavens above, and the vast seas below. Listen to the Voice that echoes across the eons of time and yet speaks anew in this moment. Listen to the Voice, for it cannot be stilled, and it calls you once again to the great and marvelous work of building the peaceable kingdom, even Zion, on behalf of the One whose name you claim. —Doctrine and Covenants 162:1
When our children were toddlers, they were dependent on us for everything including their instructions. We guided them for their well-being, and our children received this as a commandment.
First, we commanded them to “stay out of the street.” Later, we commanded them to “stay out of the street unless you hold the hand of an adult.” When they were older, still we commanded them to “stay out of the street unless you look both ways before crossing.”
The last commandment had the same intent as the first, but we adjusted it to fit their circumstances. While we continued to adapt our commandment to “stay out of the street,” we didn’t change our vision of safety for them. We continued to love our children and, as they matured, considered their ability to respond as we gave instruction.
Is it possible that as we mature our heavenly parent will adjust Divine instructions to us according to our ability to respond? Can old laws, having served their purposes and are no longer needed, be adjusted by God without God changing?
Prayer for Peace
Divine Counselor, open our hearts and instill your continuing vision into our lives. As we grow in your word, help us revisit the many ways we can promote the peace of Christ.
Spiritual Practice: Encountering Scripture as Continuing Revelation
Read and pray with Doctrine and Covenants as Continuing Revelation of God’s vision for the church and creation. Choose a favorite passage or focus on counsel in Sections 156–164. Read a few selected paragraphs slowly three or four times. Pause to pray for deep understanding after each reading.
Pray for opening your heart and emotions. Prayerfully ask to hear the phrase or word that speaks to you or touches your life. Stay with this word or phrase. Listen as fully and openly as you can. What sense of divine presence or invitation comes? What is revealed?
Peace Covenant
Today, God, I will not limit myself by yesterday’s understandings, but build upon them a new vision of what matters most.