No School? Really?
By Sherri Kirkpatrick of Lee’s Summit, MO, USA
For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many. If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it. —1 Corinthians 12:12–14, 26 NRSV
We met with a lively group of church kids during a focus moment in Topeka, Kansas, one Sunday. The best part was when I asked, “How many of you go to school?” The older kids politely raised their hands in answer.
When I asked the younger ones, “How many of you ever plan to go to school?” the little ones came alive, jumped up and down, waved their hands and smiled all over. They showed lots of enthusiasm and expectation for going to school.
When I explained that many children in other countries do not ever get to go to school, they looked perplexed, obviously thinking how can that be? I agree—how can that be?
The kids all wanted to do something to help, so they are now busy following scavenger hunts in their homes to discover “luxuries” they have that kids in Zambia do not have. They are then planning to “tax” themselves and send the donation to HealthEd Connect to help kids go to school. Many thanks to Beth Marolf for the invitation to share with the kids. We loved it.
Prayer for Peace
Generous God, we take so much for granted. Help us realize the extent of our privileges compared with those in need. Help us remember there is no peace without justice.
Spiritual Practice: Abolish Poverty, End Suffering
Read and reflect on John 21:15–17 as a meditation. Direct your mind to places where people have no homes. Think of the wars and natural disasters that destroy the homes of refugees. Be aware of the hungry and homeless who wander the streets or live in shelters. Let the images fill your mind. Offer a prayer for those who suffer. Imagine Christ is tending those sheep. Think of ways you might end their suffering as part of your mission. Throughout the day, carry in your mind the voice of Christ saying, “Feed my lambs…tend my sheep…feed my sheep.”
Peace Covenant
Today, God, I will take stock of my privileges and luxuries. Surely I will find a way to help.
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