The Language of Love
By Nina Warriner of Bath, NY, USA
All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability. -Acts 2:4 NRSV
I was sitting in the Los Angeles International Airport waiting for my flight home. Two families sat down in the same area-both with little boys around the age of two or three. Both boys were drawn to the activity outside the windows. As they watched planes taxi in and out, gas trucks fuel the planes, food shuttles lift containers up to the service doors, and other vehicles drive around the tarmac, their excitement grew and their inhibitions with each other went away.
They quickly became inseparable playmates. They played together for almost an hour, sharing toys, books, and snacks and periodically running back to the windows to marvel at the planes. It was a sight that drew many eyes from around the room. One couldn’t help but smile watching their energy and enthusiasm together.
Eventually it was time for one of the families to board their flight, so the parents went to get their little boy. To my shock and amazement I realized that they were speaking German to him. I looked to the other family to clarify what I was witnessing. Their language? English.
Here were two boys, drawn together by common interest, uninhibited by differing cultures and languages, becoming fast friends. What a lesson on acceptance and love! Christ-like love has no language or cultural barriers. Where the Spirit is present, love IS the language.
Prayer Phrase
I dwell in your presence.
Spiritual Practice
Prayer of Examen
Spend a few moments recalling your day. Let details, events, and conversations drift through your memory. Offer gratitude for the day and pray to be aware of how God was present. What did you notice or feel that brought meaning? Pay attention to moments when you felt least in harmony with God’s vision for creation. Offer a prayer of confession. Pay attention to moments when you felt most in harmony with God’s vision for creation. Pray to be even more aware of and responsive to God’s presence in the days ahead. Amen.
Today’s Prayer for Peace
Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.