Worth the Wait
By Karen Moreland of Independence, MO, USA
Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” —Matthew 11:29–30 NRSV
The waiting room filled with patients waiting to see the doctor or to be called for lab work. Frowning with resignation that it might be a long wait, I sat next to an elderly woman. She put her book aside, smiled, and said to me, “Beautiful day, isn’t it?” I replied, “Yes, it is.”
She continued effortlessly, “God creates all days beautiful.” I nodded, “Yes, you are right.” After a moment of silence she added, “God has blessed me with beautiful days all my life. When I was a little girl I was sick and God healed me. God is wonderful! God blessed me with a wonderful husband and children; we had many great years together.”
She was on a roll. “God blessed us with a beautiful home. Do you have any children?” she asked. “Yes.” I replied, and told her about my family. She beamed and repeated, “God is wonderful!” All the time she spoke softly, and I leaned forward to hear every word. Every sentence began or ended with how God had blessed her and her family.
I absorbed the warm, wonderful feeling of God’s presence encircling us both. My frown had turned to a smile. Too soon my name was called to go back to the lab.
On my way out I noticed she was still in the waiting room. Smiling, she looked straight at me and said, “God bless you.” I walked to the parking lot with a joyous feeling! She easily shared her testimonies and touched my soul. Because of her I felt closer to God.
Driving home I pondered on the transformation within me. I realized she never asked me if I went to church or if I believed in God. Nor did she invite me to her church. She simply poured out her heart. I felt blessed and wondered if I could bear the burden of witness so easily.
Prayer for Peace
Loving God, I wonder how it is that you love us so easily, that you ease our burdens so willingly. When we hesitate to share your peace, help us practice so it will soon be the natural thing to do.
Spiritual Practice: Develop Disciples to Serve
As disciples of Jesus Christ, our call is to respond to people and their needs. Pray about using your skills to help the mission of the community. As you feel affirmed, thank God for the opportunity to be a responding, serving disciple while you move on your outward journey.
Peace Covenant
Today, God, I will turn my frown upside down.