Daily Bread Apr. 13

Holding Holy Hands
By John Rawson of Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia

For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, by making peace… —Colossians 1:19–20 NRSV

Who is walking with you? Who is holding your hand?

Recently I read a story about and boy and his mother who were walking in the bush. They came to a river with fast flowing waters that they needed to cross. Reaching for her son’s hand, the mother said, “Why don’t you hold my hand while we cross here?” Her son replied, “No, Mummy, I would rather you hold my hand. Because if I hold your hand I might slip and my hand will slip from yours. But if you hold my hand, I know you will never let me go!”

Who’s walking with you? Who’s holding your hand?

In Martin Place in Sydney, Australia, a deranged man held 18 people hostage for many hours. At the end of this siege, the hostage taker had wounded several hostages and killed two. The hostage taker died at the hands of police.

During this fear-causing crisis, a Muslim woman traveling by train into the city became afraid. She was wearing a hijab (a Muslim head-covering) and feared retribution. She started to remove this item of her clothing as she feared it would draw unwanted attention. A non-Muslim woman, sitting nearby, said to her, “Put your hijab back on! I’ll walk with you!”

Who’s walking with you? Who’s holding your hand?

Christians know Jesus as the Son of God, and call him “Emmanuel.” Loosely translated this name means, “I’ll walk with you! I’ll hold your hand!”

Jesus is with us with every step we take in life. He walks with us. Jesus is holding our hand. Are you holding his?

Prayer for Peace

Emmanuel, hold us close to your heart so we know we are loved. As we walk with Christ, may we walk in peace.

Spiritual Practice: Hand Ministry

Place your hand on a piece of paper and trace around it to create an outline. Add details of fingernails, wrinkles, or skin color if desired. Look at your hand and meditate on what you do with your hands each day. Ask God to direct your thoughts to a person in need of blessing, kindness, or healing touch. Pray for wisdom about the specific act needed by this person and discern how and when you will use your hands to complete this ministry.

Peace Covenant

Today, God, I will hold the hand of another, so we may know your peace together.

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