Daily Bread Apr. 2

Melted, Molded, and Filled….Ready to Be Used
By Andrew Horner of Centennial, CO, USA

So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time if we do not give up. So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith. —Galatians 6:9–10 NRSV

My daughter turned to me before we started to sing. “I feel this is the most missional song we sing,” she said. And we sang—

“Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me.
Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me.
Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me.”
—“Spirit of the Living God” by Daniel Iverson, © 1963 Birdwing Music, Community of Christ Sings 567

We had just heard a brief report on the church’s financial crisis, and several of us were distraught. If we deeply believe this song is missional, and if we commit to the mission, we must embrace the message of the words.

The song does not begin with a plea for God to use us; it begins with an appeal for the Spirit to fall freshly on us. When the Spirit falls on us anew, we will first be melted and molded, and then filled and used. This melting and molding is not a comfortable experience. Suddenly I realized we cannot avoid the crisis in the church, nor should we fear it. It is simply another experience of melting and molding.

I affirm the reality of the resurrection, not because of a singular revival of Jesus, but because we live out resurrection daily in the world around us. For me, faith in resurrection does not necessarily mean the church as we know it will survive. I hope it will, but that is not the focus of my faith.

My faith is in the enduring reality of the gospel. My faith is in the infinite worth of each person. My faith is in the message of peace and transformation. My faith is in the irresistible power of justice and jubilee. My faith is in the virtue of visiting the prisoner and caring for the widow and the orphan. I have faith the gospel will survive.

A commonly used message in the Bible is “Fear not.” While this may be a time for mourning, it is not a time for fear and panic. We may grieve for those whose lives turn upside down by unavoidable decisions. It is understandable we may be sorrowful for some of the ways the church must change. We also need confidence in the proclamation we understand as gospel. The word will not pass away.

Prayer for Peace

Spirit of the Living God, we are in need of renewal and freshening. Strengthen our faith that we may be used to bless one another with peace and reconciliation.

Spiritual Practice: Praying for Leadership of the Church

An important spiritual practice for disciples is praying for members of the body of Christ, especially those who carry leadership responsibilities. Ask God to guide your awareness of people who lead the community of faith in congregations, mission centers, and the World Church. Pray for God’s outpouring of grace on each servant leader who comes to mind.

Peace Covenant

Today, God, I will try to see change as an opportunity to serve.

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