Lord, Help Me
David Waring of Clay Cross, Derbyshire, England
Just then a Canaanite woman from that region came out and started shouting, “Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David… -Matthew 15:22a
I grew up in England and remember that our family was not wealthy. We lived week to week on the wages my parents earned in jobs that did not pay well. We had a small car and the farthest we ever traveled was to the coast about two hours away. When I started to attend Community of Christ, I traveled to different places to conferences and camps but still never more than about a four-hour journey.
Soon after my baptism at the age of 18, I felt a prompting that I should request my evangelist blessing. During the blessing, I was told I should learn a different language. As I thought on this, I found it strange because my life was being lived in a small geographical area where the only language spoken was my own.
Not long after, I began hearing other languages as I traveled more widely to youth camps, area gatherings, and even World Conference. I eventually found myself working for the church and being responsible for the church in nations in Africa.
Who knows where God will use us to minister to those in need, those who are lost? Who knows who will be healed because we are willing to reach out and touch the lives of people who are different from us? Who knows what different languages we will hear and with what different cultures we will interact?
My testimony is that God knows and prepares us if we open ourselves to the touch of the Spirit.
Prayer Phrase
“… the breath of the Almighty gives me life” (Job 33:4).
Spiritual Practice
Breathing God’s Compassion
Pay attention to your breathing and let it become calmer and deeper as you focus on God’s presence. Ask God to breathe in you. Imagine each breath carrying the light of God into your lungs, bloodstream, and every cell in your body until God’s Spirit fills you. Now imagine breathing out God’s compassion and grace each time you exhale, especially into places and situations in need of loving care. Give thanks to the Spirit, source of every breath, source of life.
Today’s Prayer for Peace
Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.