Leaning on a Mother’s Heart
By Rodney Colmus of Coleman, MI, USA
But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart. —Luke 2:19 NRSV
Carried on the wings of thought
my strength will come to you
whisp’ring all that you’ve been taught.
My wisdom guides you through
for a parent’s love is not confined.
Though miles keep us apart
the soul finds rest within the mind
that leans on a mother’s heart.
We were not meant to walk alone
throughout our span of choices
Nor stand completely on our own
but hear our inner voices
that ask the anxious question,
“Who helps me with my part?”
The answer echoes Divine intent,
“Lean on a mother’s heart.”
The present journey is sure to end
with trials and with pain
and you the wiser can depend
on the knowledge you will gain.
But while you’re climbing up that hill
to finish what you start,
remember, it is your Maker’s will
to lean on your mother’s heart.
Prayer for Peace
Divine Parent, you know the burdens of our hearts, the struggles yet to come. Help us know your will for us—what you call us to sacrifice—while we rest assured of your love and peace.
Spiritual Practice: Advent—Hope
Close your mind to troubling thoughts from the past by placing them in God’s generous hands and letting them go. Let God speak to your fearful heart. Think of your hope for the future—open windows in your mind through which you can see compassionate actions. Reflect on the approaching hope of the Christ child. What is your part in the reason for that hope? Rejoice in the Hope of the world.
Peace Covenant
Today, God, I will finish what I start, working on any ministry I have left undone.