She Came in Peace
By Eileen Turner of Newberg, OR, USA
By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. —Luke 1:78–79 NRSV
Mother Teresa came to our school. She came in peace. During my four-year stay in Tokyo, Japan, I spent many hours each week as a teacher/school nurse for the International School of the Sacred Heart. The student body consisted of 600 students of 59 nationalities, ranging in age from kindergarten through high school.
On that particular morning, I stayed at the back of the gymnasium as I watched the student body file in two-by-two in their orderly Japanese fashion and take their places on the floor. I was positioned to observe the hallway to the front door where I watched for the sister-school students arriving from Yokohama who had been delayed in traffic.
For an hour, Mother Teresa spoke so gently and peacefully to the student body—all the time knowing there were others missing. I soon saw the front doors open. Running as fast as they could, tears streaming down their cheeks, the Yokohama students poured into the gym and took their places on the floor.
Mother Teresa acknowledged she had not forgotten them, and for another hour shared her gift of love with those who had feared missing her. I’ve never forgotten the gentleness of this remarkable woman and how she instilled pure joy in the student body that day. The students worshipped her, and worshipped with her, as she spoke of the love of Jesus Christ.
The sacrifices of Mother Teresa are well known and serve as a reminder of what Christ expects of each of us today.
Prayer Phrase
May I see your light in all life.
Invitation to Spiritual Practice
Light of God
Close your eyes, and become centered with your breath. As you breathe gently in and out, reflect on the statement, “The light of God is in all things.” The light has a bright, soft beauty and radiates God’s healing love. The light of God reaches you and permeates you with a deep sense of peace. Rest in the light as it surrounds and fills you. Thank God that you live in God’s light, and it lives in you.
Today’s Prayer for Peace
Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.