Daily Bread Jan. 26

All Space Is Sacred
By Greg Savage of Lee’s Summit, MO, USA

Let them do good; let them seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and God’s ears are open to their prayer.” —1 Peter 3:11–12 NRSV, adapted

Sacred space for me is where ever I have spiritual experiences. Most often this has to do with the church in some way, such as places like the Stone Church sanctuary with its inspiring stained glass windows. It might be where a specific event takes place like a youth camp, reunion, or conference. I have also experienced sacred space in nature. Many times it is a view looking into a valley with mountains all around—clouds hugging the peaks. As I come around a bend in a trail and discover a waterfall and creek, I know I am in sacred space. Often there are animals in the scene such as deer, elk, or turkeys.

While ministering in the Florida and Southeast Mission Centers, I saw gorgeous and dramatic sunsets of all colors. I would come across a nearly hidden wild flower with a hummingbird or a bumblebee giving it its full attention as nature ordained. Created by God, I consider all space sacred.

One fall, medical testing determined I had the beginning stages of prostate cancer. The radiation procedure required several 20–25-minute sessions for nearly three months. During treatment I had to lie as still as possible.

It was during this time I found myself thinking of people, groups, and concerns for which to pray for God’s blessing or guidance. Most often I didn’t know how God would bless the people I prayed for, but I knew that a blessing would occur. With ten days left in my treatment, I received an e-mail request for prayers from Derrick, a church brother, who would undergo knee replacement surgery. For the rest of my treatment time, I used the sacred space of the treatment table to focus on my prayers for his surgery and recovery. I prayed not only for Derrick and his family, but also gave thanks for the giftedness of his doctors and all medical personnel caring for him.

I have learned from this experience that wherever I find myself on life’s journey, I will encounter the holy—even on a radiation treatment table.

Prayer for Peace

Sacred One—in us, and all around us, you bless the space in which we live and work and play. May we always be aware of your creative presence. May we always be aware of opportunities to bring our peace to join your peace, wherever we are.

Spiritual Practice: Embodying God’s Shalom

Find a way to express and embody God’s shalom. Begin by prayerfully listening to your longing for peace. Become silent and imagine you can hear the groaning of the Earth’s people, nations, and creatures. Prayerfully open yourself to God’s yearning for peace and the divine vision of shalom.

Peace Covenant

Today, God, I will build into my day moments to pray.

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