Daily Bread Jan. 5

De Noche Iremos
By Michele McGrath of Blue Springs, MO, USA

Lord, you are the God who saves me;
    day and night I cry out to you…
I am overwhelmed with troubles…
    darkness is my closest friend. —Psalm 88:1, 3, 18 NIV, excerpted

A prayer inspired by CCS 551 “De noche iremos (By Night, We Hasten)”

De noche iremos. By night we hasten. 

And we do hasten, Lord, because it seems there is no time…no time…no time.

Ours is not the pleasant walk in the garden—warmth of sun on hair and shoulder; the lazy hour with nothing to do and no place to be but present.

We know, Creator of the cycles of the universe, that the sun always rises again. We know this present darkness is temporary…or do we?

Here in the dark, Lord of Lamentation, it is hard to feel life will ever be different. De noche iremos.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…comforting words follow.  I imagine the valley is lovely in the daytime—an inviting lush, green landscape. But here in the dark the thing that once comforted comforts no longer.

In this darkness we are disarmed of every illusion and idolatry, of any idea that we are successful in the way the world sees success, or attractive in the way the world judges attractiveness.

There is only us, and you.

And here in the dark even time and space seem warped. One minute we feel your presence so strongly—in front of us, next to us, behind us. We reach out to touch you, a spider web sense of presence, but find nothing. And then you seem so far away as to be indiscernible, unknowable, unavailable. De noche iremos.

Holy absence, may the depth of our yearning for you reveal the extent of our love and faithfulness.

May this not be us hitting rock bottom, but rather, finding the very place where we are rooted and grounded in your love. Amen.

Prayer Phrase

May I see your light in all life.

Invitation to Spiritual Practice

Light of God

Close your eyes, and become centered with your breath. As you breathe gently in and out, reflect on the statement, “The light of God is in all things.” The light has a bright, soft beauty and radiates God’s healing love. The light of God reaches you and permeates you with a deep sense of peace. Rest in the light as it surrounds and fills you. Thank God that you live in God’s light, and it lives in you.

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