“Pop Korn”
By Charles Kornman of Grand Junction, CO, USA
So he came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near; for through him both of us have access in one Spirit to the Divine. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God. —Ephesians 2:17–19 NRSV, adapted
“Pop Korn” is my clown name. I created him as a possibility for ministry when I retired as an appointee. Gradually he emerged as a character in his own right.
Sometime after his “birth” he went to a Shriners Hospital to visit the children. On one of his visits, he met a little Greek girl, in the hospital because of a birth defect, who spoke no English. Her nurse spoke Greek, so she acted as a bridge between her and Pop Korn.
As Pop Korn turned to leave, the nurse translated for the child. “Mr. Clown, she wonders if you can make the hurting go away.” Shriners Hospitals do not allow any verbal prayers by staff, so all Pop Korn could do was struggle in his heart, pleading for God’s intervention. As he turned to leave, the little girl told the nurse, “Tell him it doesn’t hurt anymore.”
When people ask me, “How are you?” I tell them, “I’m blessed, and I’d like to tell you why.” Then I tell them this story, and I am blessed again.
Prayer for Peace
God who hears our silent prayers, may the prayers on our hearts be felt by those who are in need of peace.
Spiritual Practice: Welcoming Unity in Diversity
Meditate on Unity in Diversity. Create a large circle with your arms. See and feel the diverse people God invites inside the sanctuary of Christ’s peace represented by this circle.
Who is easiest to welcome? Whom do you struggle to include? Confess the dividing walls between you and people too different or “challenging” to invite into your spiritual home. Ask God to forgive and heal barriers that keep us from loving one another.
Peace Covenant
Today, God, I will widen my prayer circle.