Daily Bread Mar. 29

Because of a Child (part 2): But I Made Them
By Merna Short of Melbourne, Australia

The wolf shall live with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the kid, the calf and the lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them. They will not hurt or destroy on all my holy mountain; for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. —Isaiah 11:6, 9 NRSV, adapted

Carrying the cushions they had made to the bedroom (see yesterday’s blog), the children announced, “We’re going to sleep on these tonight.” Papa suggested they might be uncomfortable with all those pins still in the cushions.

“But we made them,” came a cry from five-year-old Susie’s heart. Ownership, made with their hands, a heart full of love in every step. How could Papa’s heart not be torn by this cry, tired by the effort and yet pleased by the results? The girls loved the cushions they made.

And I heard a cry from God’s heart. How can our hearts not be torn? When we see Earth’s resources exploited and her lands desecrated, can we hear God cry from the heart, “But I made it”?

When people are downtrodden, poverty-stricken, neglected, and abused, can we hear God cry from the heart, “But I made them”?

How can I not be torn by God’s cry of love for all creation? Two little girls opened wide my eyes and brought me close to the heart of God.

Prayer for Peace

Creator God, you have given us this sacred Earth, and we have dismissed it with our greed. Forgive us and help us reclaim and repair. Help us practice environmental justice so all may have peace.

Spiritual Practice: Caring for God’s Sacred Creation

Choose a way to notice, give thanks, and care for God’s sacred creation. Prayerfully consider one of the following practices or create your own. Walk in nature with a spirit of gratitude. Look and listen for God in all Creation. Learn about and engage in an act of Earth-keeping such as recycling, simple living, or fasting from over-consumption of resources. Notice the diversity of the planet’s creatures and be gentle to plants, animals, trees, and people! Fall in love with the vast, intricate wonder of God’s creation and give thanks.

Peace Covenant

Today, God, I will not hurt or destroy your holy mountain.

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