Journey Home
By Vera Entwistle of Taipei, Taiwan (World Service Corps)
“Community of Christ,” your name, given as a divine blessing, is your identity and calling. If you will discern and embrace its full meaning, you will not only discover your future, you will become a blessing to the whole creation. Do not be afraid to go where it beckons you to go. —Doctrine and Covenants 163:1
I had been invited to preach in California, and after the service I mingled with the congregation. A woman approached me and shared her story. She said this was her first time in church after she had been away for many years. I wanted to know more of her journey back to church.
She said she had recently driven by a church campground she knew our church owned, but she saw a new sign that said “Community of Christ.” The sign made her sad, and she mentioned it to her son. Out of concern for his mother, he went online to learn what happened. It was only then they learned of our church name change.
With tears in her eyes she said she was now attending our church for the first time in over 40 years! As she told me her story, I hugged her warmly and said, “Welcome home!”
Each day now I pray for my new friend’s spiritual journey. She has so much to learn about the changes made by our church. Hearing her story has made me realize there may be many who left the church long ago and are unaware of recent changes. This might be a mind-changer for them. I have added these unknown friends to my prayer list, too. Let’s pray that everyone finds their way home.
Sing your way home, at the close of the day
Sing your way home, drive the shadows away.
Smile every mile, for wherever you roam
You can lighten your load
You can brighten your road
If you sing your way home. —Traditional
Prayer for Peace
God, our sanctuary, our home, keep us close. If we wander, bring us back. Bring us home to peace.
Spiritual Practice
Receive and share Blessings of Community. Begin with a prayer of gratitude for the friendships in your life. See and feel connections with family members, spiritual friends, people in your congregation and community, and people and creatures in God’s sacred web of life. What blessings flow to you from these circles? How have you felt the love of the community?
Peace Covenant
Today, God, as I travel home to you, I will ask my brothers and sisters to come with me.