Daily Bread Oct. 17

To Journey with Those You Serve
By Kris Judd of Kansas City, MO, USA

Scripture, prophetic guidance, knowledge, and discernment in the faith community must walk hand in hand to reveal the true will of God. Follow this pathway, which is the way of the Living Christ, and you will discover more than sufficient light for the journey ahead.  —Doctrine and Covenants 163:7d

My body said, “No,” but my mind and heart disagreed. That was my response to Presiding Evangelist Jane Gardner when she asked that I serve as secretary of the Order of Evangelists. Tired, soul weary, I was not ready to take on added responsibilities. While I felt honored, I needed time to pray and reflect. I consulted with those who knew me best and who had witnessed my life during the past two years of upheaval and change.

That same evening, I attended the high school graduation ceremony of a young woman from my congregation. Families that gathered for the event were full of pride for their children, grandchildren, and friends. In some families, the honored graduates were the first generation to earn a high school diploma. Some were the first generation educated in this country. As for our friend, she had hopes of using her education to leave a life of poverty, uncertainty, and instability.

As I sat in the noisy, jubilant crowd I sensed God’s deep love for each one there. I sensed God’s yearning that each man, woman, and child experience a life of joy and peace, and to have the awareness of the One who created them and loves them beyond imagination. For a moment, I dreamt what it would be like to journey with such a group of young people. To be with them and their families over their high school careers. To be with them as a blessing as well as to offer them a prayer of blessing. It felt good, and it felt right.

I drove home that evening with my answer for Jane and for the Order, and it was a resounding yes.  I don’t know if my serving as secretary will ever lead to fulfilling the dream I had as I sat in that high school graduation. However, I do know that my understanding of what it means to be a blessing will evolve into ministries that touch the lives of many people.

As we respond to God’s yearnings for creation, we will grow together, and it will be an honor to serve you as we take that journey. Thank you for supporting me in this new role.

Prayer for Peace

Tender Shepherd, it is our fondest dream to journey with you by our side. May we fulfill our dream of a peace-filled world. 

Spiritual Practice

Spend a few moments remembering your experiences with the sacraments. Recall the details of the words, touch, prayers, rituals, and symbols involved. How have these experiences brought healing and blessing to you and others? Offer a prayer of gratitude for the reconciling power of sacraments in Community of Christ and the worldwide Christian family.

Peace Covenant

Today, God, I will revisit my evangelist blessing or explore receiving a first or new blessing. (Learn more at http://www.cofchrist.org/evangelist-blessing.)

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