Daily Bread Sept. 23

Continuing in Love and Service
By Kristopher Taylor of Independence, MO, USA

On the last day of the festival, the great day, while Jesus was standing there, he cried out, ‘Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink. As the scripture has said, “Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water.” —John 7:37–38 NRSV

The world often sensationalizes the gospel of Jesus Christ and makes it into a tangible badge of honor and superiority. However, I feel this gospel is fairly plain and precious. It’s only useful if we apply it continually in our lives.

The mission of Christ is not a scene from the past—not a record of ancient happenings. It is a present-day reality, coming to fruition only by continuing God’s work in us. Jesus Christ provided living water, and by his example, we have an outline of how to carry out God’s divine plan in an ever-changing world.

We realize the gospel by embracing two concepts—love and service. From these two words the simplicity of Christ’s teachings makes itself known. And from this simplicity our understanding takes root.

As we journey through our lives, whom do we recognize as living water for our souls? More importantly, for whom are we living water? Living water is not an act of grandeur or great occasion. Living water is most often found in the seemingly mundane—a child’s laugh, a kind word, a smile, or silent and genuine listening.

However living water transpires for you, the most crucial portion of its sustainability is action. Do not shut the water off—continue loving and serving and you will be continuing the mission of Jesus Christ.

Prayer for Peace

Loving God, we hear you in a child’s laughter. We see you in a warm smile. We feel your love when we know someone cares. May we share your love and peace and continue your mission.

Spiritual Practice: Vessel for Living Water

Imagine or feel a vessel at the center of your being (a clay jar, a crystal vase, a metal bucket, or other container). Imagine reaching inside to draw something from the vessel to share with someone. As you reach inside, you find only a tiny pool of stagnant liquid. You are thirsty, dry, empty. Then something clear and cool begins to pour over you. It splashes and tumbles into the vessel, filling it to the brim. The living water of Christ pours on and in you. Your vessel fills and runs over, blessing your body and soul. Offer a prayer of thanksgiving and commitment to share living water with others.

Peace Covenant

Today, God, I will flow as living water for another by an act of love or service.

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