Greetings, Pastors and Communications contacts:
I’m forwarding an email which has already been sent to the CFO’s, but wanted to be sure it is in the hands of as many as possible,as it contains some specific information and ways each congregation can help with the current tithing issues we’re having.
As I mentioned at our recent meeting, and will discuss again at our next meeting at Shawnee on Oct. 15, I am proposing that the mission center donate $10K this year from our AIP fund, then $10K per year for the years 2018-2020, also from the same fund.
I invite all of you to review your current financial situation and see what you might be able to contribute,as well.
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 5:52 PM
To: Presiding Bishopric
Subject: A Time to Act!
TO: Congregational Financial Officers in the USA and Canada
We hope you were able to join the webcast for President Steve Veazey’s address to the church. If you were not, the video is available with the text and Q&A on the Community of Christ website.
We thought it would be helpful to have an overview of the address and some action steps your congregation can take. We hope you will find opportunity to share this information and that as a community you will choose to act.
If we can provide any other information that will be helpful to you, please feel free to contact us. We are attaching some sample resolution forms for use if your congregation votes to provide funds from an Affiliate Investment Pool account to Worldwide Mission Tithes.
As always we are so grateful for all you do in support of the church and Christ’s mission.
The Presiding Bishopric