By Elizabeth MacDonald of Seaside, OR, USA
Be still, and know that I am God! —Psalm 46:10 NRSV
I had been unable to connect with my social media friends for a few days. My computer was taking a siesta. This morning I went exploring among the wires at the back, but did not find anything disconnected. I unplugged and then reconnected everything anyway. Success!
I reflected on how my life unplugs. I go from day to day feeling like I must be, or should be, connected to my Divine Parent, those I love, and the world around me. Then I realize I’m missing the “spiritual current” that keeps me alive. I need to make sure I’m connected so I can hear God’s voice and the voices of those in need around me.
Sometimes I need to pause in my devotions to listen for God’s voice. I need to be still and sense God’s presence. Sharing a cup of coffee with my husband every morning reminds me what blessings of family and companionship we share. When my dog Bella nudges me, I take time to go for a walk where I feel the wind on my face and hear the birds singing. And when my neighbor invites me to come for tea, it’s time to put down my garden tools and sit down to visit.
Take time to reconnect with God and reach out to those who have lost connection.
Prayer for Peace
Ever-present God, help us open and ready ourselves to receive your Spirit. Recharge our batteries so we may emit love and grace. Strengthen our connections so we may network with peacemakers around the world.
Spiritual Practice: Connecting with God as Center
Connect with God through journal writing or contemplation. Open yourself to God’s presence and share what flows from your heart and mind. Your communication with God might include thoughts, questions, feelings, needs, artwork, quotes, or scriptures. Or it might take the form of a prayer, psalm, or poem.
What do you experience? Is this an effective way to connect with God? What surprises you? How do you feel God’s love? What deepens or changes in your relationship with God, Christ, Spirit?
Peace Covenant
Today, God, I will press my life’s pause button and take time for you.