Daily Bread Feb. 1

Morning Song
By Brenda O’Dell of Kearney, MO, USA

O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples. —Psalm 96:1–3 NRSV

Spring birds return
in dead of winter.
I worry for their safety.
Will they survive
the storms ahead?

they raise sweet songs
in wild abandon
and warm themselves
in the glow of the sun.

Trusting you, God,
may I too sing,
unmindful of what may come
except for your faithfulness
in all life’s present moments?

Hymn suggestion: “God of the Sparrow” Community of Christ Sings 138

Prayer for Peace

Mystery God, you are mindful of the smallest creatures; how can we wonder if you are there for us? We see creation around us and you assure us of your faithfulness. We look to the life of Jesus Christ, and he assures us that peace is the way.

Spiritual Practice: Flowing Water

If possible, sit where you can hear the sound of water—a fountain, stream, the sea, (perhaps a recording of water sounds). Listen to the sound as you thank God for the life-giving, life-shaping power of water. Pray for God’s blessing on all the parched places of the Earth where there is injustice, oppression, violence, and disregard for life. Pray for God’s justice to be released and imagine it flowing over the Earth, restoring righteousness and wholeness. Now, get up and drink a glass of clear, cold water as you pray, “God, let your justice flow through me as a disciple of Christ Jesus.”

Peace Covenant

Today, God, I will warm a cold relationship with a neighbor.

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