Daily Bread Feb. 2

Unlimited Listening
By Grace Andrews of Independence, MO, USA

Grace to you and peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to set us free from the present age, according to the will of our God, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen. —Galatians 1:3–5 NRSV, adapted

Shortly after takeoff, the plane rose through the beautiful clouds. As I watched from my window, the details of the land below became smaller and smaller. Above the clouds I saw pure blue sky that went on forever. My thoughts turned to my smallness and my prayers—prayers of thankfulness, yes, but often prayers asking for help.

Like the woman who lost a coin for which she searched everywhere, I have often misplaced something important to me. After searching high and low, under and behind, I finally am led to the missing item and thank God. It’s a small concern, but part of life.

As I looked out the window of the plane, I searched for houses and roads—so visible moments before, but now out of sight. I began to reflect on the many people “down there.” People like me—praying for healing, help finding a job, direction in life, and yes, for finding something lost. Some prayers may be small, others desperately large. I thought, “How great is this God we worship who listens to limitless prayers and responds in many ways to our personal and collective needs!” It is beyond my understanding. I am ever grateful for Divine love and compassion on my journey through life.

Prayer for Peace

God, you have spoken of lost sheep, lost coins, and lost souls. We know our prayers are not lost on you. Thank you for listening. Thank you for the peace of Jesus Christ.

Spiritual Practice: Chalice Prayer

The chalice prayer is a form of intercession. Create a cup or chalice with your hands in front of your heart. Open your heart to God’s concern for the Earth and human family as you hold them in your chalice. See beauty and suffering as you lift the chalice and release the creation (open hands) for God’s blessing and healing. Form the chalice again and hold people who have particular needs—friends, loved ones, even enemies. Lift and release them for God’s blessing. Place yourself inside the chalice as you confess your deepest needs. Lift and release yourself to God for healing. End by praying, “Thank you and amen.”

Peace Covenant

Today, God, I will search out someone who needs a prayer.

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