Daily Bread Feb. 8

“I Know”
By Julie Conway-Sword of Gainesville, FL, USA

Moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes. Immediately they regained their sight and followed him. —Matthew 20:34 NRSV

In my dream, the Lord was present, moving around the room. He looked deeply into people’s eyes that he might give ministry. I wished that he would look my way. When he did, his eyes, to me, were the most noticeable. They filled with compassion! I said to him, “I have longed to talk with you.” Jesus simply nodded his head and replied, “I know.”

Now, as the caregiver for my terminally ill husband, I am called to be his compassionate companion—to minister as though looking through the eyes of Jesus. I hear our Savior’s words ringing in my consciousness—no matter what burdens we carry, “I know!”

Because Jesus is loving and compassionate, he asks us joyfully to invite others to him. He asks us to care for the oppressed, to share peace, to develop disciples, and engage in community. When he asks, we say, “I know…and I will.”

Prayer for Peace

Christ’s mission is our mission. May Christ’s compassion be our compassion. May the peace of Christ be ours to share.

Spiritual Practice: Tears of Compassion

Offer a silent prayer for the gift of God’s compassion. Cup your hands and ask God to make you aware of the suffering that causes the Earth and its inhabitants to groan and weep. Be open to faces or places, sounds or voices, a connection with those who suffer. Imagine catching the tears of those you see and holding them in your hands. Listen for prayer images or words God may give you. Discern any active responses of ministry or healing you sense invited to complete for those who weep.

Peace Covenant

Today, God, I will not turn away when someone’s eyes are looking for help.

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