Daily Bread Jan. 9

Touched by Her Prayer
By Julie Mahoney of O’Fallon, MO, USA

Let no talk come out of your mouths, but only what is useful for building up, as there is need, so that your words may give grace to those who hear…and live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. —Ephesians 4:29; 5:2 NRSV, adapted

When my young daughter and I hear a siren or see an emergency vehicle with lights flashing, we pause and say a prayer for the first responders. We pray for those in need of help, and for God’s blessings and safety for all involved. These brief prayers have been a way for me to show my faith in God, my belief in prayer, and to reinforce what Cadence is learning about “community helpers.” I’ve invited her to say prayers in the past, but most of the time she asks me to do it.

We have begun venturing further outside our neighborhood on our bicycles. We live near a senior living center where ambulances are often called for the residents. One evening we were on the road leading to the center when we heard sirens. We moved off the road in case the emergency trucks headed our way. The fire engine did not turn toward the senior center, so we safely continued our ride.

A few moments later, I heard my daughter begin praying for the “emergency.” She prayed boldly about this being a bad day for the hurt person, and “…please help the next day be better. Help the person who got hurt, and the person with them.” She prayed aloud for several minutes for the many concerns related to this unknown emergency.

Touched by her prayer, I smiled to myself. I said my own prayer of gratitude that my prayers of the past had planted seeds, and that I was fortunate to see those seeds taking root in my young daughter’s faith.

Prayer for Peace

Open our ears, Lord, so we may listen closely to the prayers of children. May we learn from their unique understanding of peace.

Spiritual Practice: Develop Disciples to Serve

As disciples of Jesus Christ, our call is to respond to people and their needs. Pray about using your skills to help the mission of the community. As you feel affirmed, thank God for the opportunity to be a responding, serving disciple while you move into the outward journey.

Peace Covenant

Today, God, I will watch for signs of those who need help—those who have no sirens to get our attention.

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