Daily Bread September 02

Be Careful How You Walk
Tim Ross of North Branch, MI, USA

Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil. So do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. -Ephesians 5:15-17

When the Apostle Paul wrote these words, Gentiles were fully integrated into the Christian community. However, despite the level of acceptance they experienced within the Christian community, there were still many pressures and influences that would draw the Gentile believer away from the Christian walk. To this challenge, then, the apostle offered these words of wisdom.

The New American Standard Bible offers an interesting interpretation of the challenge to “be careful how you live” (v. 15) by using the words “be careful how you walk.” The image of being careful how one walks places the challenge in a different context. To take care walking requires attention to each step along the path. It calls for a continuous awareness of all of one’s environment, of the pitfalls and missteps that could result in tragedy. To be aware of one’s footsteps requires one’s eye to remain not only on the path before, but on the periphery of the path, as well as the places where one has previously traveled.

Recently my family and I hiked to the Hollywood sign in southern California. This walk took us up steep inclines, over large boulders, and along narrow mountain peaks on the way to our destination. All of us were continually aware of each step, as one wrong step could have been disastrous. By carefully following the trail blazed by others who went before us, we reached our objective and enjoyed a close-up view of an iconic landmark.

Our journey as Christians is not much different than the trip we took to the Hollywood sign. As Christians, we are called to be careful how we live, or how we walk. If we are aware of where we are going, as well as where we have been, we, too, will enjoy a glorious view. It won’t be a large, white sign on the side of a mountain. Our rewarding view will be that of our Savior and Creator lovingly welcoming us into sacred community.

Prayer Phrase

“…all things in God and God in all things” (Mechthild of Magdeburg).

Spiritual Practice

Reflecting on Presence

Breathe deeply and become present to the Presence with you here and now. Take a few moments in the silence to reflect prayerfully on the following questions:

Where have you been aware of God’s presence in your life?
What is God’s invitation to you in this story?
How do you desire to be more open to God’s presence and invitation tomorrow?

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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