Daily Bread September 03

Wyatt’s Garden
Alex Kahtava of Independence, MO, USA

If you truly would be Community of Christ, then embody and live the concerns and passion of Christ.  -Doctrine and Covenants 164:9d

“I am an elderly woman raising my three grandchildren on a fixed income. We use the food pantry to supplement our limited resources of food. Without this help, it would be hard for me to provide nutritious meals. Along with the assistance the food pantry gives us, our raised garden is a fun experience for my grandchildren, especially the youngest, Wyatt, who seems to think it is his garden. He enjoys showing it off to anyone who asks about it. Thank you so very much.”

Wyatt’s garden was initially planted in 2014 with monies from the World Hunger portion of the Abolish Poverty/End Suffering Mission Initiative. Wyatt has staked his claim. It is his garden. Along with his sisters, he decided what to plant and then helped with the planting and weeding. When it came time to plant the carrot seeds, he spilled them in the two 12-inch square areas set aside for carrots. The carrots came up so close they had no room to grow. He would not let anyone thin them out. Grandma had to go out at night to thin the carrot patch.

He has old boots, gloves, and a trowel for working in his garden and is proud of all the produce he grows. He eats it all, even trying foods that are new to him.

The garden has had a positive impact on Wyatt’s family. They all have a sense of pride in the garden and what they are able to do. This is just one of the many garden stories this grant has made possible! The gardens provide food, but the future impact on children and their families’ lives can’t be calculated or dismissed. Our gardens are transforming lives!

This story is part of the Lamoni, Iowa, USA, Food Pantry Project. Meaningful relationships have developed between those giving and those receiving; the future has become more hopeful.

The evidence of your continuing generous support of the Abolish Poverty/End Suffering Mission Initiative can be found in Wyatt’s Garden!

Prayer Phrase

“…all things in God and God in all things” (Mechthild of Magdeburg).

Spiritual Practice

Reflecting on Presence

Breathe deeply and become present to the Presence with you here and now. Take a few moments in the silence to reflect prayerfully on the following questions:

Where have you been aware of God’s presence in your life?
What is God’s invitation to you in this story?
How do you desire to be more open to God’s presence and invitation tomorrow?

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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