UPCOMING Pastor, Counselor, Evangelist & CFO meetings

Greetings, all,

This is a  reminder of our meetings to be held on Feb. 21 at Westerville congregation, 583 Africa Road and  March 6 at Shawnee congregation, 4799 Spencerville Road, Lima.  Both will be from 3:00 to 5:00.  Please feel free to attend either of these meetings.

Our agenda will include:

  • Congregation updates
  • Youth council and youth ministry
  • Camp Bountiful financial discussion
  • Scripture class/Scriptural literacy
  • Copyrights
  • 2016 congregation budgets
  • 2015 congregation audits
  • Congregational balance sheets
  • MCFO signatures on accounts
  • Long term oblation and alternatives
  • Role of the recorder in congregations
  • Recorder training (is there a need?)
  • Priesthood retreat/Priesthood training
  • Anything else you might like to discuss

CFO’s, if you have them, could you bring a copy of your 2016 budget and your 2015 congregation audit?

Recorders, you are invited to attend if you would like, as we will spend a little time discussing how to maintain some records and will also see if additional training is desired.

Pastors, please invite your counselors as I don’t have the names for most congregations.



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