Click to Read President Veazey’s Letter of Counsel regarding changes to the leading quorums of the Church: LetterofCounsel03-31-16
From: First Presidency
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 10:23 AM
To: First Presidency
Subject: Letter of Counsel. La Carta de Consejo. La Lettre de Conseil.
To worldwide ministries staff:
Please read the attached letter of counsel about World Church leadership from President Stephen M. Veazey. Please share this with pastors and leaders in your area.
A todo el personal mundial de ministerios:
Por favor lea la carta adjunta de consejo del presidente Stephen M. Veazey acerca del liderazgo de la Iglesia Mundial. Favor de compartir esto con los pastores y líderes en su área.
Au personnel des ministères mondiaux :
Merci de lire la lettre de conseil ci-jointe du Président Stephen M. Veazey concernant la direction de l’Eglise Mondiale. Merci de partager ceci avec vos pasteurs et dirigeants.