Prayers for Nepal

Dangerous situation in Nepal: On September 20 a new constitution will be promulgated in Nepal.  One of the controversial issues is that the new constitution will give freedom of religion. More than two-thirds of members of the Constitutional Assembly have voted in approval. Nepal was a Hindu state before it embraced secular democracy in 2006.  Hindu militants, who want the return of the monarchy and for Nepal to return to be a Hindu state, are acting violently in protest.  On Tuesday around midnight Nepal time 3 Christian churches were bombed near two of our congregations. Fortunately no one was killed on this occasion.  However, 40 people have been said to have been killed in the recent clashes against the draft Constitution and the security has been heightened around the assembly hall of the Constituent Assembly in Kathmandu.   

Our staff member Binod Adhikari has asked for prayers for the safety of brothers and sisters in Biratnagar, Sunsari and Kathmandu at this time.

Let us also pray for other Christians, and Muslims, and Buddhists who may also be targeted especially around the 20th September.

~Andrew Bolton, Apostle Asia Mission Field

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