Together on the Road: A Trilogy (part two)
By Danny Belrose of Independence, MO, USA
Be patient with one another, for creating sacred community is arduous and even painful. But it is to loving community such as this that each is called. Be courageous and visionary, believing in the power of just a few vibrant witnesses to transform the world. Be assured that love will overcome the voices of fear, division, and deceit.
Understand that the road to transformation travels both inward and outward. The road to transformation is the path of the disciple. —Doctrine and Covenants 161: c, d
What Is the Journey?
It is a journey in justice, not judgment. Its ethic is love, not law.
Its signposts neither rule nor regulate.
Its mandate is the constant heartbeat of compassion that affirms the worth of each soul.
It is a path of inward and outward transformation.
A path where we leave behind who we once were to become who God calls us to be.
We let go of traditions and proscriptions which give voice to some while silencing others.
A path of adventure and discovery of new horizons beckons and births new understandings.
It is a journey of seeing with new eyes, hearing with new ears, and discerning new truths.
A journey of hospitality where joy, hope, love, and peace are living words.
Prayer for Peace
Assure us, O God, that your love will overcome the voices of fear. Drown out the din of division and deceit, so we may hear the steady beat of those who march for peace.
Spiritual Practice: Voices of God
What is the voice of God saying to us? Do we hear the whispers of God’s longing for shalom; God’s dream of beauty and wholeness for all creation? Do we hear the “voice” of God calling to us in faces and eyes, in the sounds of suffering and joy, in scripture and sacred word, tears and laughter, silence and noise? Spend a few moments reflecting on when and how God’s voice speaks to you. When did you first feel called to join God in the pursuit of peace and justice? How does the call of shalom continue to come to you through the many “voices” of God?
Peace Covenant
Today, God, I will take a step on a new path I may have feared before.