Daily Bread February 06

Sacred Memory Series: Resting in God
Rebecca Cummings of Avon, NY, USA

So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation. -Genesis 2:3

This scripture reminds us that we need to rest after we work. I work every other Sunday, so I sometimes appreciate that day of rest (after the work is done) on a day other than Sunday. Unfortunately, in this day and age, it is really difficult to completely rest on Sunday. We live a lifestyle in which Sunday is sometimes the only day to “get it done,” but scripture reminds us that even God rested after work. In the gospels, Jesus often went away into the mountains to rest after teaching and preaching. Rest is vital to our bodies. Without rest, the body itself cannot function properly.

After our wedding, we took a wonderful honeymoon to the ocean where I rested. My cell phone had no service and no data. I had no notepad or book or agenda to work on. I brought nothing with me except clothes, sunscreen, and a bathing suit. I was not the “adult in charge” who had to plan everything and make sure everything went smoothly. It was probably the first time in my life I actually went on vacation (or anywhere) and rested. And it was wonderful, refreshing, and very much appreciated. My life is full of activity, and I never actually realized how seldom I take the time to follow God’s example and rest. God knew how important it was to take time and allow the body and mind to relax. We all work so hard at working. In this society, it has become part of who we are. Work hard so you can have all that you want in life. Stay busy and active so you aren’t focused on what you don’t have. God does not say not to work hard, but rather when that work is done, make sure you are taking time to rest.

Prayer Phrase

“Remember the long way that the Lord your God has led you…” (Deuteronomy 8:2).

Spiritual Practice

Sacred Memory

Spend time journaling or reflecting on significant memories that have shaped your life. Allow the following questions to guide you: What memories from your life impact how you encounter and respond to the world around you today? When has sacred memory in you become a path into the future?

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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