Daily Bread February 23

One More Sleepless Night
Dan Gregory of Edina, M N, USA

I cry aloud to God, aloud to God, that he may hear me.
In the day of my trouble I seek the Lord; in the night my hand is stretched out without wearying; my soul refuses to be comforted.
I will call to mind the deeds of the Lord; I will remember your wonders of old.
I will meditate on all your work, and muse on your mighty deeds.
Your way, O God, is holy. What god is so great as our God?  -Psalm 77:1-2, 11-13a

I couldn’t sleep last night.

The injustice of our society pangs my heart.
My prayers were groans of desperation.
While many grieve, too many gloat.
Hatred engulfs more lives, and we lose count.
Our hearts hold vigil thru the night for those who will not be coming home.

I am tired.

The weight of hundreds of years pressed into momentary decisions.
The ostracized being silenced for comfort.
Desperate pleas ignored, rejected, scoffed at.
One more post where words are necessary yet insufficient.

When will we learn?
When can our hearts listen?
When might the cries of our siblings pierce our shallow securities?
When all that fills our ears is the sickening crack of gunfire, how can we hear the trembling left in its wake?

How long, O Lord?!
How long will we turn away?
How long can we stand when the weight of fear presses in upon us?
How long ’til your children awaken?
How long will the call for justice go unanswered?

How long are we to suffer?

At least one more sleepless night, it seems.

Prayer Phrase

Are we moving toward Jesus, the peaceful One?

Spiritual Practice

Gospel Contemplation (Mark 1:9-11)

Each week during Lent, you are invited to pray with a different gospel story from the life of Christ. Use your senses and imagination to enter the text. Allow it to come to life in you, observing details, noticing interactions, even engaging in dialogue. Notice where you find yourself in the story and how you feel about what is happening. Notice what it evokes in you or invites of you. Take time to journal or enter silent prayer to reflect on your experience and to sense where the Spirit may be leading you through this scriptural encounter.

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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