Daily Bread July 29

Bring It On!
By Brenda O’Dell of Kearney, MO, USA

I can do all things through God who strengthens me. —Philippians 4:13 NRSV, adapted

Each of Richard Rohr’s meditations ends with the daily prayer thought, “Humble me.”  I whispered this sentence with some anxiety. Can I honestly ask for this? It seems more natural to pray, “Bless me and mine,” or to ask for peace or healing.

I am all too aware for what I am asking when I pray for humility. Throughout my life it has been clear that I am most humbled at the lowest times. My experiences of pain, loss, betrayal, and failure have made me most humble. In these dark nights of my soul I have been driven to my knees, aware of my own insufficiency. All I could do was cry out for God’s help in utter dependence and helplessness.

Doesn’t petitioning for humility mean inviting more pain, more anguish, more harsh lessons? A shudder of fear slithers down my spine.

Then my heart reminds me how these incidents always end. God comforts, forgives, heals, reassures, encourages. Always, always. When desperation proves I have come to the end of myself, it is God’s power, God’s provision, God’s sufficiency that then works the miracle. When I am all too aware of my inadequacy, divine light shines through and blesses me, usually beyond anything I could have imagined. God whispers, “Let go and let me.”

If crisis is the opportunity to know God better and trust God more, of what am I afraid?  If growth and bloom lie ahead of me, I will accept gladly the sacrifice of my ego-based needs and simply say, “God, I will your will. I can learn more of you, become closer to you, and be a better servant to a hurting world.” Then I can raise my head and shout with fearless joy, “Bring it on! Humble me. With you, God, I can take it.”

Prayer for Peace

Creator God, our strength and foundation, we trust in you always. We have not yet brought peace to the world, so we humbly ask for help. Give us the strength to put ourselves out there, and try something new.

Spiritual Practice: Peace Action

God calls Community of Christ to ministries of peace, reconciliation, and healing of the spirit. PeacePathways is a church–sponsored website sharing peace and justice ministries, networking, and opportunities. Visit the website www.peace-pathways.org/ and discern one ministry that speaks to you or captures your attention. Offer a prayer of blessing on the peace ministry you select. Listen quietly to see if God is calling you to further respond to this ministry or another ministry of peace, reconciliation, or healing. If you cannot visit the website, offer a prayer of blessing on all peace ministries.

Peace Covenant

Today, God, if someone asks, “Can you really make a difference for peace?” I will humble myself, make myself vulnerable, and without fear answer, “With God I can do all things.”

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