Daily Bread May 30

A Place for Everyone at the Conference Table
By Joyce Bullion of Ewa Beach, HI, USA

O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples. —Psalm 96:1–3 NRSV

Aloha, Daily Bread readers. Following last World Conference, persons were asked to share their conference experiences. I could not attend due to money and health issues, but I had a wonderful experience and appreciated the webcasts that were provided for persons such as I. My partner attended, and I was able to watch her and my pastor serve communion from across the Pacific Ocean.

It was a moving experience, and I could not hold back tears of joy. We have been in our relationship for more than 24 years, and 20 years ago we were asked to leave a congregation because our presence made some people uncomfortable.

I was overwhelmed as I flashed back and realized that we went from being asked to leave the church to my partner serving communion at World Conference. I felt we could “sing to the Lord a new song.” I felt it was the Spirit of God working in the church that made it possible. Suddenly I was so grateful that we had patience, stayed with Community of Christ, and saw it through. We are becoming one as Community of Christ.

Prayer for Peace

God of Justice, hear the cry of those whose voices we have not heard. Tune our ear, loud and clear— help us right the wrong and sing a new song!

Spiritual Practice: Healing for Broken Spirits

Begin with quiet prayer. Ask God to help you detect some “sore places” in the body of Christ and God’s creation. Become aware of people who feel separated, wounded, or left out. Reflect on or write a short journal entry of healing words to at least one person who comes to mind. Ask God for words that will touch this person’s broken spirit like healing ointment. Keep this person in your heart and prayers today and act on any ideas that come to bring blessing and wholeness.

Peace Covenant

Today, God, I will listen carefully and respond with love.

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