Daily Bread Nov. 23

The Three Unwise Men
By Terry Brown of Pigeon, MI, USA

As he went from there, he saw two other brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John, in the boat with their father Zebedee, mending their nets, and he called them. Immediately they left the boat and their father, and followed him. —Matthew 4:21–22 NRSV

Many years ago, my brother and I had the day off and decided to go fishing with another friend. Even with a threatening weather prediction, we decided to head out on the lake.

We were so positive our fishing expedition would be successful; we felt we could walk on water. It was winter and there was about three feet of ice under our feet—the least of our concerns that morning.

The weather was cold, but clear, as we advanced onto the lake. We could see the shanty more than a mile in the distance. However, almost instantly a full-on blizzard came out of nowhere and engulfed us.

The blowing snow overcame our senses, and suddenly we lost our way. We stayed close so we wouldn’t lose each other. Soon we found an ice ridge. We followed the pressure crack, our only landmark, with faith that it would lead us close to someone’s shanty where we could wait out the storm. Fortunately it led us to the shore and to the only business open for miles.

That day, God provided three foolish, directionless, unworthy young men a unique experience. It was as if Jesus were calling us away from our fruitless searching and challenged us to put our trust in him as we followed the difficult but straight path to our salvation.

When I lose my way, I have a clear testimony of the wisdom in humbly accepting Jesus’ invitation as he calls us to follow him.

Prayer for Peace

Tender Shepherd, help us quickly fall on our knees, and more quickly rise to serve others. We will follow your path of peace.

Spiritual Practice

In many parts of the world, winter appears drab at first glance—especially compared to the vibrant colors of other seasons. Take a longer look at the winter sky and meditate on the wonderful, creative designs found in nature. Celebrate the moment of your appreciation for God’s Creation and the wonder it instills.

Peace Covenant

Today, God, I will not stand frozen as I become aware of others who have lost their way.

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