Daily Bread November 17

Coincidences: Yes or No?
Susan Jeanne Webber of Puyallup, WA, USA

“Do not fear, for I am with you.” -Isaiah 41:10 NRSV

One morning my husband Tom and I were driving to the airport but had overslept 90 minutes past our alarm. I was busy calculating whether we would be able to make our flight and knew with the Seattle-area traffic and airport security that we could miss the flight. Meanwhile, my negative self-talk was actively chastising me for not checking the volume on the alarm.

After we passed quickly through security and started running toward the gate, I looked up and saw my cousin Ken! What an awesome surprise! I rarely get to see him as he lives 200 miles away. He appeared surprised but pleased to see me and said, “Is that you, Susan?” I was thrilled to say, “Yes, Ken, it is me!” He was standing so near to me, but I would not have noticed if he had not called my name. I got a quick hug and would have loved to have talked if we’d had more time. But I was overwhelmed with such a feeling of acceptance, warmth, and love.

Later, after getting seated on the plane, I texted his mom, whom I consider a second mother, to tell her how it was such a nice surprise, a real coincidence, to see Ken. Only a few moments later I began to weep tears of joy as I was overwhelmed with the love and warmth of the Spirit who is “with us always.” This experience was a “God moment” that I shared with my aunt by text and encouraged her to also share with her husband since we frequently discuss “God moments” in our lives.

Are not our moments here on Earth infused with the spiritual? When I heard my name called, I was able to respond, to open my eyes to see beyond the physical to the spiritual all around us!

Prayer Phrase

In God, I live and move and have my being.

Spiritual Practice

Breathing in the Spaces

When you move into different spaces throughout your day, consciously place yourself in the new setting with a desire to be alert to God’s presence. Over time, simply taking a deliberate breath will remind you that you are in God’s presence and that you want to be alert to God’s purposes in that setting. When entering the different spaces in your day (workplace, a colleague’s office, a restaurant or place of business, school or places where people meet) pause and take a deliberate breath. When returning home, pause to take a breath. As you take a deep breath, breathe in the goodness of the profound presence and purposes of God in each place you find yourself. Allow yourself to be drawn to people who may be blessed in simple ways by you being aware of them as persons of worth. -adapted from missionalleaders.org

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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