Daily Bread Oct. 26

The Beatitudes: Paraphrased for Children (and the child in all of us)
By Mary Kay Speaks of Independence, MO, USA

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. —Matthew 5:9 NRSV

Glad are those who are kind, for they will take care of God’s kingdom.
Glad are those who cry, for they will find comfort in God.
Glad are those who follow God, for they will become leaders.
Glad are those who treat everyone the same, for they will be blessed.
Glad are those who are gentle, for the Earth will be theirs.
Glad are those who live like Jesus, for they will know God.
Glad are those who make peace, for they will be called children of God.
Glad are those who are bullied when they do what God wants, for heaven will be theirs.

You are a disciple when you follow God. It will not always be easy. Others will not always be fair to you. But when you are happy or sad, brave or afraid, look for joy and peace within yourself and know that God loves you and is with you always.

Prayer for Peace

Divine Parent, now I lay me down to weep. I wake with the dawn and the Spirit deep. Joy in my soul and love in my heart—forgiven by God with a brand-new start.

Spiritual Practice

Sit in your quiet place and center your heart and mind in God’s presence. Spend several minutes asking God to bring into your awareness the names and images of children in your life. You may see their faces or hear their voices as you receive these impressions. Listen deeply to the unique gifts and needs of the children who come to mind. Offer a prayer of blessing for each child and the needs you sense. If you feel led, you also may want to write a note or card and give a message of affirmation and love to each child.

Peace Covenant

Today, God, I will remember the simplicity of two-letter peacemaking words: “If it is to be, it is up to me.”

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