Dividing Time for the Divine
By Evie Kalvelage of Independence, MO, USA
Then the Lord answered me and said: Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so that a runner may read it. For there is still a vision for the appointed time; it speaks of the end, and does not lie. If it seems to tarry, wait for it; it will surely come, it will not delay. —Habakkuk 2:2–3 NRSV
I filled my prayer journal and needed more space. While on an errand, I grabbed a cheap notebook on my way out of the store. At first, I didn’t realize it was divided into sections. When I began to make my first entry, I flipped through the notebook and realized the format was brilliant.
Life has sections, and like dreams, they aren’t always sequential. They often happen all at once and many times interrupt one another.
In the morning when I read devotions, and especially when I journal my prayers, ideas pop to the surface of my mind. Some of those thoughts belong on a grocery list, some are worthy ideas, and some are inspirational. I may lose them if I postpone writing them down. I tried to keep a scratch pad next to my journal, but I often forgot. I had to interrupt my meditation to find something else to write on.
The sections of my new notebook provide the solution. One part becomes a master list ready to capture ideas and inspiration. Here I can focus fully on spending that time with Jesus. Another section lets me jot down the tedious reminders and leave them behind as I flip back to my journal reflections.
God’s invitation to share our burdens includes directions—from the holy to the mundane—even in the small discovery of a notebook divided into sections.
Prayer for Peace
God of every part of my life, the sacred and the ordinary, may we list all the parts in order of “what matters most.”
Spiritual Practice
As disciples of Jesus Christ, our call is to respond to people and their needs. Pray about using your skills to help the mission of the community. As you feel affirmed, thank God for the opportunity to be a responding, serving disciple while you move on your outward journey.
Peace Covenant
Today, God, people can leave a message and wait until I am finished visiting with you.