Pastors and Communications contacts:
We discussed this trip at our Feb. 21 Pastors, Counselors, etc., meeting and I said I would get more details. Tom Grubaugh has provided the attached registration form which explains about everything.
Retreat is for Jr Hi and Sr Hi youth (and slightly younger,per the attached: May13-152016KirtlandTrip). The only cost for those attending is their meals to and from Kirtland (2 meals). Meals at Kirtland, cost of the program with the Temple Visitor Center and cost of transportation will be covered by Western Ohio Mission Center youth funds.
You will note the Ohio folks are listed as departing from the Grove City congregation. However, those from the northern Ohio area will leave from Toledo and go directly to Kirtland. Karie Kutzly will coordinate transportation from there.
Please register with Tom Grubaugh prior to April 1. Tom will coordinate with Bountiful Mission people, who are sponsoring the trip and who have invited us to join in.