Daily Bread July 21

The Pickle Project
By Doug Rottering of Independence, MO, USA

Make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. —Philippians 2:2 NRSV

I was blessed to witness the ordination of Cory Upson to the office of elder. His calling was no surprise to me. Since I first met Cory, I could see he was an individual who expressed kindness and great compassion.
The sacrament occurred in June 2014. The service touched me as I experienced an ordination service for the first time. Cory’s parents were present and members of the congregation showed support also. The spirit we felt was remarkable and confirmed his calling to me.

A few weeks later, our congregation had a potluck picnic. The people gathered for a time of companionship and fun. I was holding a paper plate precariously full of food as I tried to get a dill pickle out of a jar. Just when the plate was about to collapse, Cory joined the pickle project and helped me transfer pickle to plate without further embarrassment to me. We had a good laugh at his heroism.

He didn’t wash my feet or multiply loaves and fishes, but this was no less an act of kindness. No service is too mundane to be appreciated. I look forward to Cory’s ministry in the future.

Prayer for Peace

God who views all people precious, we know you find joy when we support one another. Let us affirm the calls to service. Let us accept our calls to peacemaking.

Spiritual Practice: Honoring God’s Call in Others

Reflect on how you sense God’s calling reflected in the gifts and actions of others. Begin by prayerfully asking to recall particular moments when the gifts of others were a blessing to you. When has God revealed grace to you through the life of another? When have you felt resistant to the gifts offered by another? Reflect on how you came to honor that person’s call. Write in your journal or reflect on how you can help other persons develop and share their gifts.

Peace Covenant

Today, God, I will help someone who is in a pickle.

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