Daily Bread Nov. 6

God of the Living
By Cory Upson of Portland, OR, USA

Now he is God not of the dead, but of the living; for to him all of them are alive. —Luke 20:38 NRSV

We worship the God of the living. Let that sink in for a moment. I like to think this statement defines life in a way that gets around the biological definition of “being alive” to arrive at a definition that suggests purpose and meaning.

When Jesus responds to the Sadducees and their question of the afterlife, he tells them that life after death is not simply a continuation of earthly life. The life that continues is a life in the Living God—the same God as the God of Abraham.

We are alive in God and find our true purpose in God—in this life and the next. Using this life to worry about who will be married to whom in the afterlife (Luke 20:27–36) is not living into the God of the living’s purpose for life. Compassion for the sick and injured, solidarity with the poor and oppressed, and visiting the imprisoned should be our concerns.

These concerns are living into the life God would have us live. We know this because it is the life the Living Christ chose as his mission. After all, Christ’s mission is our mission.

Prayer for Peace

God of the living, we praise you for your presence in our lives. We praise you for the hope we have for peace in our future.

Spiritual Practice

Reflect on God’s call in your life. Begin by prayerfully asking to recall particular moments when you have experienced God’s presence and invitation to share your gifts. When has God seemed most real in your life? When have you felt disconnected or resistant to God’s call? Reflect on what you did or might do to become reconnected to God. Write in your journal or reflect on how you can develop and share your gifts with others.

Peace Covenant

Today, God, I will think of my mission, Christ’s mission, in eternal terms.

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