WOMC Pastors and Communications contacts:
I’m forwarding some information received from Eastern Great Lakes Mission Center regarding an event on March 18-19 inviting nearby mission centers to join in the class.
I am sending this email to let you know that EGLMC is hosting a “Welcoming Latter-day Seeker” training event at the Kirtland Temple and Spiritual Formation Center on March 18-19. Training will be provided by Apostle Designate Lachlan Mackay. He is excited and we wanted to personally invite both Bountiful and Western Ohio MC to join us. We felt as decisions within the LDS church have been rather decisive and hard on some members, an opportunity to learn what it means to become a “Welcoming Latter-day Seeker” congregation” seemed appropriate.
A flier for the event is available via the EGLMC website – http://eglmc.org/2016/01/30/welcoming-latter-day-seekers-march-18-19/
If you have more questions, feel free to ask.